Chatham, VA 3-17-12

 More on this investigation coming soon....

This case had some interesting claims, such as seeing a young girl playing peek-a-boo, a man in a mask, and a black mist. 

We came out on St. Patrick's Day and hoped  to get "pinched" and get lucky with evidence. 

There was some concern about something on the ceiling in the bedroom that was there before they bought the home, that looked like blood and the dog would always bark at the closet in there.

The REM-Mel was sitting on the coffee table and no one was around and started sounding. Once we reveiwed the recoreders, we noticed a lot of activity during setup, a young child was heard speaking on the recorder while we were setting up cameras.

Will heard a small child while investigating the bedroom  

This picture has a ball of light in front of Kim, that was not in any other picture.

childs voice I play with dolls.mp3

kids sound during setup in living room.mp3

kids sound in background suring setup 2.mp3



SB7 session - Hear Will ask if you want to play peek a boo and response is yes sir



unexplained sound in childs bedroom.mp3



120317_003.MP3 sb7namepaul.mp3

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